For outdoor enthusiasts looking for gear that's purposefully built to stand up to the fun and challenging experiences Polaris vehicles enable. Each piece of apparel and gear bearing the Polaris name is crafted by outdoor enthusiasts for outdoor enthusiasts. They are a badge of honor - representing what the Polaris brand stands for - a passion to simply be outside doing what you love. Polaris apparel is rider-inspired and tested under real-world extremes, so it's ready for anything the outdoors will throw at it.
What you wear is as important as how you ride. Get the proven performance and protection you need to be at your best out there in any condition.

The right helmet adds style, provides confidence and can even keep you warm. Find yours from our rider-inspired selection of MOTO, Modular or Full Face designs.
Protect your eyes and enhance your vision in sun, snow or sand dunes with goggles that can boost contrast, cut glare, reduce eye-strain and even help you see in low light conditions.
Choose the right layers for your conditions. Polaris offers a wide variety of options from moisture-wicking base layers to heated layers to make sure you stay comfortable on all your outdoor adventures.
From rugged riding gloves that protect your hands during a rough day of driving to cold-weather styles that keep you warm and dry, we've got you covered.

The right helmet adds style, provides confidence and can even keep you warm. Find yours from our rider-inspired selection of MOTO, Modular or Full Face designs.

Protect your eyes and enhance your vision in sun, snow or sand dunes with goggles that can boost contrast, cut glare, reduce eye-strain and even help you see in low light conditions.

Choose the right layers for your conditions. Polaris offers a wide variety of options from moisture-wicking base layers to heated layers to make sure you stay comfortable on all your outdoor adventures.

From rugged riding gloves that protect your hands during a rough day of driving to cold-weather styles that keep you warm and dry, we've got you covered.